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Giovani Artisti di Strada

Giovani Artisti di Strada

The project "GIOVANI ARTISTI DI STRADA" is developed in Tricase. The project, during 8 months, involved 13 young participants but also other young people participated. The topics covered are as follows street theatre, active citizenship, urban rigeneration, intergeneration exchange.

The methodology used were the "hot wheels" that is the most appropriate both in training and in the theatre to enhance any young. In this way, each participant was young author and active role in the construction of their own experience. The hot wheel is effective to attract the curiosity of the public during the theatrical event.

Project's objectives:

  • acquisition for the young participants of knowledge related to the historical center;
  • reduce bullying's episodes through active communication between old people and young;
  • stimulate young people to participate in the civic life of their community.

The project's activities were divided into 3 phases:

    • welcome to the group, presentation of each participant; discussion of the activities to be performed and objectives to be achieve.
    • advertising of initiatives to citizenship by young languages
  2. "HOT WHEELS":
    • in street: know the village, (structural and relational features, typical architecture, toponymy,...);
    • in house: interaction with the locals people;
    • in theatrical laboratory;
    • in theatrical event;
    • final evaluation of participants through the activation of a hot wheels that actively involves every young; discussion on possible steps to be taken for exploit young people.

The project was funded by the European program "Youth in Action" - Action 1.2.

 5791,    17  Ott  2016 ,   Gioventù in azione